Business Creation & Holdings

企業情報 -industrial information-

□ Corporate Name
BC & Holdings Limited

□ Corporate Location
東京都港区六本木3-16-35 イースト六本木ビル2F
Ropongi East Bld. 2F,3-16-35 roppongi. Minato-ku. Tokyo 106-0032

□ Board Member
CEO 鈴木謙太郎  CEO Kentaro Suzuki

□ Capital
1,000万円  10,000 thousand yen

□ Switchboard Number[IP]

□ Fax Number

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Business Creation & Holdings

事業情報 -Business Description-


■ 事業ユニット
□ デジタルマーケティング/デジタル広告最適化事業
□ 集客送客プラットフォーム事業
□ リアルタイムマッピング・マーケティングアプリ事業
□ マーケティングAI技術事業

Establish independent BS, PL and CF by each business unit, production committee system. In addition to profit sharing based on investment, we distribute profits according to human resources and business resources to participate. Even in areas that are professional and difficult to build business, we also create a framework that makes it easier to joint. We will promote business development and business by unit configuration of wide and highly specialized companies and human resources.